
Name: Li Jia
Age: 18
School: Temasek Polytechnic
Birthday: 10 Feb 1987

Life is like a live performance with no rehearsals or re-plays. Leave no regrets, learn from setbacks!

Mood of the Day

The current mood of gamegirl_87 at


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Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Quote of the Day

Energy is the essence of life. Everyday you decide how you are going to use it by knowing what you want and what it takes to reach that goal, and by maintaining focus.

- Oprah Winfrey (1954 - ), O Magazine, July 2003


Blogged this while I was waiting for MapleStory's Client Patch to finish.

This was what that kept me occupied with and distracted while preparing for exams during study week. =)

Yeah.. Bingo! MapleStory's 32 Hours GM Event Marathon from 1st September 2005 (Thursday) to 4th September 2005 (Sunday). It was the second time I took part in event. The first time was Coconut Harvest. And ever since then, I am in love with events. As you can see Starryach didn't make it for the first round (lost). But it has been a good warming-up session.

This is Starryarc when she is merely level 6. See how innocent when she was at that time. =)Picture was taken at Henesys.

In the crowd, it was gamegirl, kenna killed by Jr. Balrog (level 80). Rotten luck she had as she died almost everyday during the 32 Hours Event Marathon. But wait.. she did won quite a number of rounds of Ola Ola.

During the first day of event, Lith Harbour was really crowded. And it was not easy to get into the event when the GM open the gate. But it was satisfying enough to at least get a glance of how a GM looks like.

I personally like GMTrebla the most while my sister prefer GMBlokus who owns a pet rabbit named Bitbit. As for the majority of all maplers, I think the most popular GM award goes to GMMoonRiver.

Click link to see GMs:

Before I go, last screenshot of recent starryarc.

Training at logs. (Perion)

P/S: Pictures click to enlarge

gamegirl at 12:49 PM

Layout * shadowmist